I've spent the Holiday weekend healing heroics and have picked up a few Emblems of Heroism. I hope that before I can make it through my shopping list some of the pieces will already be replaced by better gear out of Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and the Vault of Archavon. But until I see how the dice treat me in our raids, I plan to pick up pieces as I can afford them. Here's my shopping list of Emblem of Heroism Upgrades.
Lattice Choker of Light. 25 Emblems. Spell Power/Critical Strike Rating/mp5.
Heroes' Earthshatter Spaulders. 60 Emblems. Spell Power/Critical Strike Rating/mp5.
Heroes' Earthshatter Tunic. 80 Emblems. Spell Power/Haste Rating/mp5.
Heroes' Earthshatter Handguards. 60 Emblems. Spell Power/Critical Strike Rating/mp5.
Beadwork Belt of Shamanic Vision. 40 Emblems. Spell Power/Haste Rating/mp5.
Heroes' Earthshatter Legguards. 75 Emblems. Spell Power/Haste Rating/mp5.
The Egg of Mortal Essence. 40 Emblems. Spell Power/Chance on Heal to increase Haste Rating.
Protective Barricade of the Light. 35 Emblems. Spell Power/Critical Strike Rating/mp5.
Totem of Forest Growth. 15 Emblems. Reduces mana cost of Chain Heal.
4 weeks ago
I can't get wowhead links to work on my blog. I even copy pasted straight off of your source code. Still nothing. =(